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Your Ad Videos Ought To Do The Heavy Lifting For You!

 ⁠Perfect Your Ads and Funnel Content for Sales!

Elevate your content...

Unlock your offer's essence...

Generate more revenue.

Ditch Your Fear & Record Great Videos with my program.

Give me one month and watch your Ad videos improve forever.

(If you do nothing else on this page, watch this one video...)

NEVER come across as Salesy or Manipulative again!

Yeah, we're all tired of that.

Scripts, Templates and Memorization sucks!

I agree.

"Paul, can't I just show up and Be Authentic?"

Perhaps, but most people's version of "authentic" is pretty boring.*

(* it's ok... you can admit it.)

Ditch the robotic script and unleash your authentic voice

Fast-Track Learning cracks open your potential.

You'll master the tools and techniques to captivate audiences with YOUR ads.

No more cookie-cutter templates – liberate your raw power and build unshakeable confidence.

Attract a devoted following who hang on your every word.

Make the Emotional Connection with your prospects

1 month for 10 minutes per day (with results and improvements starting in 2 weeks.)

This program will challenge everything you thought you knew,

transforming you into the confident, skilled professional you deserve to be.

"Lots of epiphanies, awarenesses, "Oh, Yes, Right!" moments,

and Food For Thought as I read, follow and do the exercises…

Oh, and personal shifts of self-permission I can now give myself… so great!"

Lisa M.

Cool... Sign Me Up !

Repelling those you're trying to Attract!

Be Unique = Attraction

Do It Like Others = Repel Them

These 4 minutes are why I've made this program.

“… before getting into the program, I was always wondering, 'Oh my goodness, how can people do it?’ I know you have to do research and get information in order to get in front of a camera… but now with the exercises you send me, I just grab my camera, put my simple lights up and be there and talk with a lot of energy… with love, especially with love.

Yeah, with love, Wow, it's easy. 

I won’t say it's no-brainer, but it's like, oh my goodness, it's there and I can do it now. I can do it, you know!”

- Henry B.

Ready to solve that CRINGE issue of yours?

2 types of Cringe:

a. the one who fear cringe and choose to NOT make videos


b. the ones who make video and cringe every time

Give me one month - actually you'll see instant improvements during the first 2 weeks - and I'll get your skills going... Cringe-free zone.

“Your program helps me a lot. I'm much more confident speaking in English... and that's very important for me.”

- Justyna B.

Cool... Sign Me Up !

Ready to level up your skills FAST?

This program delivers daily bite-sized lessons designed to maximize your learning and growth.

Each day focuses on a single, actionable task related to a specific topic.

Bonus! You'll kick off each section with a quick check-in call with me and my team – direct access for any questions or roadblocks you encounter.

Get ready for results! You'll see major improvements in your understanding and abilities within days.

Plus, your presentations will skyrocket and your confidence will follow suit.

Cool... Sign Me Up !

A bit about me, who I am , what I do and why I do it:

Hey hey! Paul here. Originally a New Yorker turned Copenhagen dweller, I spent years traveling the world with my performance company. Now, I train folks (artists, entrepreneurs, coaches – you name it!) to unleash their message with power and authenticity.

My chosen sitch? Guiding people to Devise From Scratch – a process to create fresh work and ditch the self-doubt that holds you back.

Why online coaching? It lets me connect with a global audience and help them break free from scripted templates (you know, the mediocre crapola out there, right? Right!).

My mission? To empower individuals to find their unique voice and make noise in the world. We need more righteous self-expression, not more cookie-cutter presentations!

Let's create a crew of individuals who shatter standardized norms.

Interested? Hit me up for more info on these concepts.

[email protected]

Video Ad Magnet & The 5 Minute CEO

Commit to your growth... choose one program Right here and now!

News Flash: the video below explains 8%

(The actual deal is 7%... heh heh)

I know... you're thinking "Paul, what??? Really!?"

Yes, because you've chosen to step up to this, so I offer you the whole thing for the 4%.

Congratulations. View the vid below and let's get going.

The Good Fast Cheap triangle explained above

allows me to know with certainty

that what I offer gets you where

you deserve to be:

Video Mastery in 30 days!

I get the whole course, not some intro version?

Yes, the entire course and everything included, no strings attached. So we're clear about this, the program is:
- the daily exercises
- accountability follow up
- 5 laser zoom session check-ins
- DM private chat group
- direct access to me and my team for feedback, commentary and critique

Your success is my reward.

What's the promise?

You devote 5 minutes per day to each exercise with focus and full effort... and you'll have massive presentational clarity one month from today - no BS, no lie.

Can I start when ready or is there a set start date?

You start when you’re ready, my fine friend.

This is a solo situation - just you and me - with added support in a group chat.

What if I need more time?

We all know life has chaos... so know that you can repeat exercises and can also pick up where you left off.I'm not your mommy and I'm not Gandalf... your life's issues arrive when they do. Bearing that in mind, this incremental process has been developed with its success dependent on daily work... if you need to start over, you owe it to yourself to do so for an uninterrupted 30-day stretch.

Let's Go...
(No More Waiting For Me!)

Clients - In Their Own Words

Anita Enthusiasm Say It All

My clients start with enthusiasm so this is what Excitement and Clarity looks like from Day 1... (You should probably know that she's already gotten her first laser session and the Day 0 information packet (How To Begin) plus the Video Starter Cheatsheet... so she's indeed well-equipped to begin.)

Her enthusiasm makes her as a stellar representative of many of my devoted crew members in the program.

(The "Yaaaargh!" she utters at the end refers to my pirate credo... embracing the mindset and attitude it takes to choose your better path to your individualized self-expression.)

Howard's Salvation = Unlocking His Uniqueness

Tired of the templates, he turns to Paul for uniqueness and an escape from the cliché BS... and these are his thoughts on REAL growth with none of the crapola.
on Paul: "he's one-of-a-kind."

Here's to raw, genuine (yet strategic) originality!

(thanks so much Howard)

Stephanie's Video Skills Raised Her Whole Game

3 new High Ticket Clients in 8 days after joining Paul...

all of them were on the fence before her videos improved

each of them told her they joined her because her content and its messaging made them choose her!

Dean Discovered Deeper Drive

Was prepared to hang it up when

he met Paul...

Within 30 days he got back on track with a new 5-figure contract

Ina's Massive Confidence Adjustment

Uncovered the beauty and poetry of her life's passion...

from shy and self-conscious to fully and truly loving her own Content Creation from the depths of her soul!

Terry - 24 hours later and a 6-figure promotion 

1 session with Paul and...

... the very next day, Terry got out of his own way and told his boss what he truly needed to say...

His boss promoted him on the spot... from employee to co-partner onland deals.

Multi-million dollar raise within 24 hours! 

This Is Mark...

The Former US President's Speechwriter Gets 

Confidence On Camera From

Paul Too.

Overcoming Fear Of Cameras

and No Regrets Coming Aboard With Paul!

This is Henry and His

Mindblowing Experiences And Transformations...

He Is LOVING This Process

For All The Right Reasons.

(What A Delightful And Gracious

Embrace Of The Program.)

Larry's Growth During One Massive Month...

Shattered all His Prior Glass Ceilings

Cheryl - Keynote Speaker Brilliance In 2 Weeks!

Even Her Speech Itself Was Transformed

During Our Process Together!

This Is James...

Previous Courses Before Paul's

Offered Nothing Unique...

And Now, The Inward Journey Confirms Everything 

He Knew He Wanted For His Offers

Elisa's Successful Webinars

due To Paul's Program

Prov Gets Breakthroughs From Paul's Programs

and Training Left And Right!

215 e 80th St, NY, NY 10075

Phone: +45 31424700

Email: [email protected]

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